Less Known Facts about Whatsapp Vs Signal Vs Telegram
As you all know, at present WhatsApp is the largest multi-platform mobile application for messaging service with over 200 Crore active users across the world. Less known facts about WhatsApp Vs Signal Vs Telegram . Telegram has around 40 Crore users, while Signal has around 20 million monthly active users. In the digital world, communication plays a major role in connecting people from any part of the world. Moreover, people without a mobile phone is absolutely unimaginable. While WhatsApp stands in a distinguished position from the number of users mentioned above, at the same time we can’t deny the fact about the growing popularity of Telegram and Signal. Which is Better: WhatsApp or Signal or Telegram? Communication and networking have played a major role in human evolution. Since most of the wired or physical communication is paid and neither inconvenient nor un-economical. Which makes the data sharing and communication among the people limited. ...