
Showing posts from July, 2021

How to authenticate application users using the JWT Authentication mechanism

  Lia Infraservices – the technical development expert from the leading Mobile App Development Company in Chennai brings you details about “ How to authenticate application users using the JWT Authentication mechanism ?” in simple steps. An authentication procedure is meant to confirm that the persons claiming to be the users are really the users they claim to be. This step is vital to any security process.    JWT Authentication mechanism: ⦁ JSON Web Token  ⦁ A method for securely transmitting information between parties using a JSON object. ⦁ Information Exchange: JWTs are a good way to secure information transfer between parties because they can be signed, which makes it easier to verify that they came from the right person. Furthermore, their structure allows you to verify that the content has not been modified. ⦁ A JWT could theoretically be more secure, but at the same time, it would be less secure than a session-based authentication. For example, a JWT is more vulnerable to hija

How to Connect a Domain from different Domain Provider the Website Hosting on AWS EC2?

  To connect a domain from a different domain provider to the website hosting on the AWS EC2 server. Follow the strategy adopted by the Lia Infraservices – The Expert AWS Cloud Migration Services providing Company in Chennai. Have you come across this situation on pointing your domain at GoDaddy or some other domain provider to the AWS EC2 server? There are some easy steps to follow: For example Domain is from GoDaddy Server is at AWS – EC2 server on Ubuntu How to link the domain to AWS ec2 server: Open amazon AWS management console and Go to R-53 Create a hosted zone with the domain name That will automatically give NS record and SOA record Create two more records: Record A with only – Update the Elastic IP [ Don’t use Alias] Record A with – Update the Elastic IP [ Don’t use Alias]Take the NS records from AWS and update on GoDaddy NS record. In general, it takes up to 48 hours for the DNS to propagate. But, make sure if the domain provider is managing your

Mobile Single Screen Layout with Video View and Multiple Gestures

        The custom Mobile App Development experts at Lia Infraservices is here to brief you about how to set up “ Single Screen Layout with Video View and Multiple Gestures “. This contains custom video controllers, seek bar with timer, multiple gestures like a single tap at left and right, swipe up and down.     For that, I split the device screen into three parts. Left, Middle, Right. Our device screen has two coordinates X and Y.   To splitting the device screen into three parts, we must know the total range of values in X and Y coordinates.   For that, the ACTION_DOWN event is used to get the value of X and Y while touching the screen.        case MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN:             initialX = event.getX();             initialY = event.getY();             break;         case MotionEvent.ACTION_UP:             float finalX = event.getX();             float finalY = event.getY();             x1 = event.getX();             y1 = event.getY();             Log.d("x1", "&