6 Steps to permanently close an AWS account.
What’s the necessity to permanently close an AWS account? Let’s analyse the necessary steps to permanently close an AWS account . Sometimes, an organization finds few accounts are difficult to manage. Certain billing issue or some poor management of the account in the initial stage makes an account very difficult to continue with. In that case, organizations consolidate their resources to a single properly managed account and delete the unstructured account. Ṭhere could be other accounts which are only for the purpose of RnD and education and once the project is completed users tried to delete the account to control any accidental surprises with an unexpected bill. Steps to be followed to delete an AWS account: Note: Make sure all the bills are settled before closing any account, which eliminates the possibility with any legal issues in future. 1. Sign in as the root user of the AWS account that you want to close, using the email address and pas...